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Motivational Moments By Author Tricia Andreassen
Thursday, December 18 2014

Tricia Andreassen

Sometimes we think to ourselves that we can’t get something done. We convince ourselves with the stories we play on auto-record in our brain or tell others.
Stories that may sound like this:

“I am not in shape enough to try that”
“I need to lose more weight before I do that”
“I don’t make enough money to plan for that”
“I am too overwhelmed right now”
“I’m not smart enough”
“I don’t have the credentials to reach for that”
“I am not pretty enough”
“I tried to lose weight before and it didn’t work so why try”
“I’ll never be able to do that”
"It isn't the right time"

The reality is that we convince ourselves many times so that we don’t stretch ourselves. We get fearful that the pain of not achieving it or feeling like a failure will be too great to handle so we allow those beliefs to run our life. I can share this because I have gone through those moments when I allowed the limiting belief and story to shape my daily activities and my decisions. It was only when the pain got too great that I made the line in the sand. The pain of NOT stretching myself and STAYING STUCK created more pain than I could handle on my own. That is when I was crying and knelt down on my knees and cried out to God and said out loud, “God I am giving it all to you. I have been trying to control my life instead of you working THROUGH me. Help me. I give everything to you. My spirit, my words, my music, my art, my heart, my work, my worries…..everything.”
Those words created the momentum for me to take actions and make decisions that supported those words that I spoke out. Before I knew it, things started to evolve. 
“Doors started opening”
“Opportunities presented themselves”
“People with the same desire as mine showed up”
“Work became more purposeful”
“Family became more connected”
“LOVE showed up in the WILDEST WAYS!”
“Friendships became more exhilarating”

You know what? All that was developing and IS STILL developing was WITHIN ME ALL ALONG. 
Right now… at this moment you can decide:
“Your Actions”
“Your Mindset”
“Your Energy”
“Your Environment”
“Your Attitude”

All that is… is within you right now…. At this moment. 

Posted by: Tricia Andreassen AT 01:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email