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Develop Your Leadership Influence

Have you ever wondered if you were really a leader? Perhaps your job position doesn't indicate you are yet guess what? No matter what your life looks like you are doing leadership. As John Maxwell says, "Leadership is influence. Nothing more;nothing less."

Every day we are leading in some way. Leading ourselves on an initiative to get accomplished. Leading our family so things run smoothly. We may be leading a project with a deadline at work or we may be leading a group of people to accomplish a goal.

Do you have a vision to develop or grow a team?

Perhaps you've have a team in place and you realize that if you could equip them with the right strategies your organization would grow exponentially . It would allow you to do more of the activities you love to do and focus more effectively on your strengths; on the things that only YOU can do.

It's not enough to be strong as a leader yourself.

To create REAL IMPACT and CHANGE you must have others who can forge the path WITH YOU.